Wine Info
Here you can find out facts & information about our wine! Typically included on wine pages, are the varietal information, aging, tasting, vintage & winemakers notes, food pairings, aromas, serving temperatures, alcohol percentages, pH, harvest & bottling dates, vineyard designations, and photographs of the bottles.
Something missing that would be useful? Feel free to add information to a page, or make a suggestion if you need a new wine added. You can find a blank template for the pages here.
Currently Sold Wines
These are the wines which are currently on sale, on the shopfloor (or at least should be). If anything is missing/incorrect, either add or remove a wine from the 'Currently On Sale' category (you can do this by clicking the ☰ in the top right hand corner whilst editing a wine page, and going to 'categories').
Archive of all our Wine
This lists all of our wines, past, present & (some) future. Made a page but can't find it in this list? It probably hasn't been put into any categories – go check here to look at all pages without categories assigned. Click through the ▸'s to expand the list, and see what is inside.
Note: This list used to be a manually written list of wines. If you are looking for this list (e.g. to see which wines haven't been indexed yet), you can find an archive of it here